Uffici a Milano, Roma e Messina - Italia

Carmelo Marra
Carmelo Marra
Carmelo Marra
Lawyer LLM (London)

After having achieved the Italian Law degree, with an experimental dissertation in Administrative Law at the University of Messina, he has attended, and passed with merit, a yearly LLM in International Comparative and Business Law at the London Guidlhall University in London (UK). He has also attended, and passed, a Master in European Law, under the program Schuemann Action.He has published in IURE PRAESENTIA, I , 2000, Giuffrè Editore, “Outlines of the International Commercial Arbitration”.

He has started his law career in the Italian Law firm of Prof. Avv. Michael Salazar, Rome office. He matured then experience in the Law firm Camozzi and Bonissoni, Milan office, and in the International Law firm of Avv. Rubino-Sammartano, Milan office; and furthermore in the Rome office of C’M’S’ Adonnino Cavasola Scamoni.

  • Skills : M&A, company and corporate law, Italian and International contracts, commercial law, administrative law, labour law, private construction law, public tender and bids law, preventive criminal law (company responsibilities and directors responsibilities), aviation and admiralty law, International and European Courts and Arbitrations, International ADR
  • Sectors : aeronautics, aerospace, maritime, defence (including NATO NETMA) food and beverage, TMT, IT, IP (EMEA), pharmaceutical and bio-technology, fashion, oil and gas, product liability, procurement, tender and bids, tourism, media and publicity, construction and engineering
  • Date of birth : 02/10/1968
  • Nationality : Italian
  • Languages : Italian, English, French
  • Office : Rome, Milan, Messina
  • Email : carmelo.marra@marraursolegal.it

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