Uffici a Milano, Roma e Messina - Italia

Marketing and Internationalization
Marketing and Internationalization

Marra Urso Legal relies upon Business Professionals, with international experience and who have specific expertise in the development of successful marketing strategies in overseas markets. The firm also offers assistance with foreign legislation establishing contacts and working with other firms in the country in which the Client wishes to invest. Regarding investments Marra Urso Legal offers a number of services:

  • providing advice regarding the most suitable agreement based on the penetration strategies of the chosen market
  • assisting in the various phases of creation and development of the chosen legal entity
  • negotiating with the other party ( which could be the State in which the Client wishes to make an investment, or another individual)
  • drafting the agreements regarding the type of investment to chose:
    • joint ventures
    • incorporation of subsidiaries
    • incorporation of branches
    • incorporation of agencie
    • distribution agreements
    • turn key contract
    • management contract
    • governmental contract
    • insurance agreements and other forms of investment protection

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